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[e-drug] Mefloquin for malaria prophylaxis (cont)

  • Subject: [e-drug] Mefloquin for malaria prophylaxis (cont)
  • From: [email protected]
  • Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 17:30:04 -0500 (EST)

E-drug: Mefloquin for malaria prophylaxis (cont)

Dear E-Druggers

Following the discussion on mefloquin, it may be useful to know that
mefloquin is an essential medicine and described in the WHO Formulary which
is available on the website as a online database:

WHO Model Formulary:

Click on "database online" you are then in

Put mefloquin in the search box and click on "search"
Then click on "mefloquin" in the category tree.
At the right hand side the information will pop up on mefloquin.

More treatment information can be found on the website of Roll Back Malaria:

[URL will need repair.BS]
Go to "technical strategies" (left hand column)
Click on "treatment guidelines" in the column "Early diagnosis & treatment"
You may find "Anti-malarial drug policies" of the various WHO Regions and
databases will pop up.

Happy searching!

Marthe M Everard
Technical Officer
Policy, Access, and Rational Use (PAR)
Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (EDM)
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Tel : # 41 22 791 3835
Fax: # 41 22 791 4167
E-mail: [email protected]
http: www.who.int/medicines/

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