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E-DRUG: new TB discussion list
- Subject: E-DRUG: new TB discussion list
- From: Ian Smith <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 06:15:18 -0500 (EST)
E-drug: TB discussion list
[copied from AFRO-NETS]
Announcing an e-mail discussion list for TB
For the last six months we have run an email discussion list for TB re-
lated issues, known as 'tb.net'. We are now expanding the list, and
would welcome participation from anyone with interest in TB. The pur-
pose of the list is to discuss matters of interest relating to TB and
TB control. It provides an opportunity for sharing experiences, dis-
cussing policy matters, asking questions and expressing opinions.
Please join!
The list is run from Nepal - and we maintain a developing country per-
spective on the issues we discuss. We have list members in at least 12
countries - Bangladesh, Canada, Ethiopia, France, Holland, India, Ja-
pan, Nepal, Switzerland, Thailand, UK and USA.
To join the list, send an email to:
[email protected]
with the following message:
subscribe tbnet
We also have a website which is packed with useful information about TB
- info for patients and health workers, news of training and meetings,
links to organisations working in TB, useful publications, and much
more. The website is updated monthly. Visit us at:
For more information about any of the tb.net activities, please send an
email to: <[email protected]>
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Ian Smith
tb.net Nepal
mailto:[email protected]
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