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[e-drug] Notes from Tuesday discussions on paragraph 6
- Subject: [e-drug] Notes from Tuesday discussions on paragraph 6
- From: James Love <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 01:49:21 -0500 (EST)
E-drug: Notes from Tuesday discussions on paragraph 6
How Low Can You Go?
Notes from Tuesday (26 Nov 2002) WTO negotiations on paragraph 6 of
the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health (concerning export
rules for non-voluntary use of patents on health care inventions).
There appeared to be little progress on a "solution" to paragraph 6
on Tuesday, but still new text. The two new things circulated were
a proposal the United States is pushing very hard now to exclude OECD
countries as beneficiaries on the import side. It is a footnote to
paragraph 1(b) of the November 24 text, that says:
"It is noted that developed country members not in transition have
stated their intention not to use the system established under this
Decision as importing country members and that some other Members
have stated their intention to use the system only in circumstances
of extreme national emergency (WT/GC/m...)."
The US proposal would made it impossible for the United States,
Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Korea and other OECD
member to import products. This is quite extraordinary when one
considers that the Doha Declaration itself was influenced heavily by
the US and Canadian decisions on Ciprofloxcin, during the Anthrax
scare, which *could* have been more serious, in a situation where the
US was about to import from India, and the lack of stockpiles in the
United States led to unequal access to Cipro, and Capitol hill mail
room workers died while high government officials were given the
drug. The US proposal would override the effectiveness too of HR
3235 from the last Congress, The Public Health Emergency Medicines
A few other cases that deserve mention are the Korean proceedings on
Glivec, where the threat of a compulsory license is based upon an
imports from India, and the case in New Zealand where BMS allowed the
entire national supply of ddI to run out in a dispute over the price
the government would reimburse, to mention only a few relevant cases.
We also heard that the US tried to limit the scope of disease to only
infectious diseases, meaning I suppose that only diseases that might
travel and infect US citizens would be covered, a particularly
offensive formulation of the "wrong disease" strategy to limit the
scope of compulsory licensing.
To all of this, one needs to be clear how explicitly protectionist
this is. If the US, Japan or Europe issues a compulsory license,
under this system they are forced to grant the license to a domestic
firm, and they cannot allow an Indian, Chinese, South African,
Malaysian, Thai or
Mexican supplier to provide the drug. It is hard to see how this
promotes technology transfer or economic development in the
developing world. At what point do trade officials put to rest "free
trade" rhetoric.
Then there was the discussion over an amendment to paragraph 11,
which concerns the legal mechanism, and quite a bit of work on US
proposal to make the "solution" as temporary and subject to review or
termination as possible. So basically, the negotiations are moving
in the wrong direction, reflecting it seems that the US, EU, Japan,
Swiss, Australia and Canada are sensing that some delegates want a
achievement so bad, they will settle for almost nothing of substance,
or even something that represents a big setback from where things
were last year in Doha, and which prejudices the existing text.
One Latin American delegate predicted flatly that no one would ever
use the "system" being created. There was a discussion with an
African delegate over the lack of information to most delegates over
Article 30 approaches, including a lack of information on the recent
Parliament adoption of Amendment 196, and the nature of the Canadian
"bolar" decision that authorized exports for pre- expiration of
patent generic drug registration purposes, without safeguards,
without limitations on diseases, without notice to patent owners, and
without compensation to patent owners (also the EU Amendment 196
approach). The African delegate was asked if it would be possible to
ask the WHO or the WTO secretariat to provide the delegates with
information on both approaches. The response was, "I can't, the US
would kill me." Apparently the WTO secretariat feels the same way.
But apparently some delegates don't take their cues from the US
delegation, and there was some new discussion about an Article 30
approach, which was encouraging.
Jamie +41 79 579 6022
James Love, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org, mailto:[email protected]
voice: 1.202.387.8030; mobile 1.202.361.3040
James Love <[email protected]>
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