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[e-drug] Brundtland will not stand again for WHO
- Subject: [e-drug] Brundtland will not stand again for WHO
- From: [email protected]
- Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 15:28:03 -0400 (EDT)
E-DRUG: Brundtland will not stand again for WHO
[In a surprise move, Brundtland has announced today that she will not be
available for another term as DG of WHO.]
In January 2003, the 111th session of the Executive Board of the World
Health Organization will nominate a candidate for the Director-General of
WHO, for the period from July 2003 to July 2008, to be elected at the
World Health Assembly in May 2003.
I have today informed the Chairman of the Executive Board that I will not
be a candidate for this nomination.
When I took office in July 1998, I spelt out my vision for WHO and what I
saw as our priorities ahead. I emphasized my ambition to help anchor
health firmly on the international development agenda. I stressed the
priority of improving the health of the poor. I underlined the need for
WHO to reach out and mobilize a range of partners, based on solid
evidence. I indicated how I envisaged a process of needed change and
reform of the Organization.
Supported by our Member States, I feel we have made significant and
substantial progress towards these objectives. Throughout my term as
Director-General I have had a perspective for our policies and work that
goes beyond the limits of any term. I have been encouraged and supported
by the outstanding dedication and efforts of WHO staff in Geneva and all
our offices around the world. I want to express my appreciation to them
WHO is solidly on track to fulfil the many demands being placed on it. The
critical role of health in development has gained wide acceptance. The
world has turned its attention to our priorities.
My decision to complete my work as Director-General at the end of my
current term reflects the fact that I have had leading positions in
political and public office for nearly 30 years, and would be 69 at the
end of a second term. I will push ahead with our work every day that
remains until July 2003, and I will continue to do everything I can to
support the Organization and its noble cause in the future.
With best wishes,
Gro Harlem Brundtland
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