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[e-drug] Re: Massachusetts moves to curb drug vendors (cont)
- Subject: [e-drug] Re: Massachusetts moves to curb drug vendors (cont)
- From: Bernhard Edgren <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 11:59:48 -0400 (EDT)
E-drug: Re: Massachusetts moves to curb drug vendors (cont)
Dear Sirs,
About medicine sales representatives.
I have the knowledge here in Finland that medicine sales reps. have an
appointment caller who calls up all the various doctors surgeries, as well
as hospital and basic health care and private gp:s.
The problem is that these sales reps have to make about 6 appointments every
working day, holidays "included". Here, especially in the countryside, the
distances are long and there is a frenzy for them going from one place to
the next.
This makes the appointments too frequent and too short, there is no new
information exchange and the visit per se is just in order for the sales
rep. to get their quota filled up and monthly salaries.
Many basic healthcare units do no t take these sales reps for meetings more
than 1-2 times a month and that makes the caller call the ones that will
accept the sales reps. Some basic healthcare units have banned medicine
sales reps totally. But I have never heard so far that they would sit in the
lobby helping out the patients in any way!
This is how it works here.
Bernhard Edgren
Private GP.
email: [email protected]
url: www.triuno.com
tel: intl+358 400 490490
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