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E-DRUG: HIV trials in developing countries
- Subject: E-DRUG: HIV trials in developing countries
- From: [email protected]
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 17:04:52 -0500 (EST)
E-DRUG: HIV trials in developing countries
New York Times, February 19, 1998
U.S. Ends Overseas H.I.V. Studies Involving Placebos
Saying they have finally found a cheap way for developing nations to use
the drug AZT to reduce mother-to-infant transmission of the AIDS virus,
U.S. government health officials announced Wednesday that they are
suspending the use of dummy pills in a series of controversial overseas
experiments on pregnant women.
The announcement, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, left
people on both sides of the debate elated, but for different reasons.
Defenders of the government-financed studies said the findings -- that $80
worth of AZT given during the last four weeks of pregnancy can cut
transmission of the virus in half -- will have a dramatic impact on many
developing nations, which have been devastated by AIDS.
Critics, who had called the use of the placebo unethical, pronounced
themselves vindicated because the women in the experiments will now get
AZT instead of dummy pills.
"I'm delighted," said Dr. Marcia Angell, editor of The New England Journal
of Medicine, who in an editorial last year likened the studies to the
infamous Tuskegee experiments, in which treatment for syphilis was withheld
from poor black men. "Better late than never," Dr. Angell said.
The controversial studies -- which have involved 12,211 women in Thailand,
the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Tanzania and South
Africa -- were based on one of the most dramatic discoveries of the AIDS
epidemic: the finding, four years ago, that use of the drug AZT during
pregnancy could cut the risk of mother-to-infant transmission by
Today, as a result of that discovery, HIV-infected women in the United
States are routinely given AZT during the last 12 weeks of pregnancy. They
also receive intravenous infusions of the drug during delivery, and their
babies take the medicine for six weeks after being born.
This is commonly called the "076 regimen," after the number assigned to the
federal study that proved it effective.
But the 076 regimen is expensive -- $800 per patient, including the
infusions and drugs for the the babies -- and too complicated for use in
the Third World, where access to medical care is poor. Yet every day, an
estimated 1,600 HIV-infected babies are born worldwide, most of them in
developing nations. So when the 076 results were published, officials at
the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the National Institutes
of Health in Bethesda, Md., and the CDC in Atlanta set out to find a way to
translate the results to the Third World.
They settled on experiments in which half the women were given a short
course of AZT and half were given dummy pills. The studies were
controversial even among the government's own researchers; most recently,
the debate cast a shadow over the confirmation of Dr. David Satcher, the
new surgeon general who previously headed the CDC.
Now, the first of those studies, conducted on 393 women in Thailand, is
complete. The study found that women who were given AZT during the last
four weeks during pregnancy, as well as during labor and delivery, had half
the risk of giving birth to a HIV-positive baby as those who received the
"We are very pleased," said Dr. Phillip Nieburg, a CDC official involved
with the experiments. "The controversy was unfortunate, but we feel that
the placebo-controlled trial that we did was very necessary."
Others echoed Nieburg's sentiments. "It's just wonderful news," said Mark
Harrington, policy director for the Treatment Action Group, an advocacy
organization. "If we can get this incredible health benefit for $80 bucks a
pop, then we can really make a difference around the world."
How much difference the study will make, however, remains to be seen. While
$80 may sound inexpensive, it is eight times what most developing nations
spend per capita on health care each year.
Harrington called on the manufacturer of AZT, Glaxo-Wellcome, to provide
the drug to developing nations at a steeply discounted price. And Dr.
Joseph Saba, who chairs the international working group that coordinated
the experiments, said he is trying to "set up plans on how we move on and
who does what."
But the advocacy group Public Citizen, which has repeatedly condemned the
project, said researchers should have known the answer to the most pressing
question -- whether a short course of AZT would work -- all along.
Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, who directs Public Citizen's Health Research Group,
obtained data on a subset of patients from the original 076 trial. He said
that among those who received AZT for an average of seven weeks, the risk
of transmission was cut by two-thirds.
Government officials said those data were unreliable, but Wolfe maintained
that the figures should have been taken into account. "This is inexcusable,
sloppy research," he said. "They have wasted a large number of lives and a
huge amount of money."
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